In your light shall we see light

Dear Saints,
This Sunday, we celebrate Candlemas, a festival of light held on February 2nd, which celebrates the return of light. We will send everyone home with candles that have been blessed in the services.
Candlemas celebrates the return of light in a time of year when it is still mostly dark and gray and cold. Likewise, we can celebrate the return of light in anticipation that it will come, despite how things seem in the present.
If you could use a little light and encouragement for staying centered, I highly recommend Diana Butler Bass' reflection this week What Are We Going to Do? Especially her 10 W's at the end. The video she did following the D.C. plane crash, A Spiritual Pep Talk from the Shores of the Potomac: Goodness can be as relentless as evil, is also worth watching. Please keep the victims and their families in your prayers.
I look forward to seeing some of you at the Crab Feed tomorrow night. Thank you to Sonja, Steve and their fabulous team for putting on this event that brings so much joy and also vital funding for our parish and its ministries.
Blessed are you O God, You make our darkness to be light. And in your light shall we see light. (Candlemas blessing)
In Peace,
Tags: Weekly Rector's Note