Clergy, Staff, Vestry
Tuesday: 9:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. Wednesday: 9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
Thursday: 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Friday: 9:00 A.M. - 2:30 P.M.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Diana Akiyama
The Very Rev. Andria Skornik
The Rev. Andria Skornik is currently the Rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in the Woodstock neighborhood of Portland, where she, with her husband and three year-old son, also lives. A Portland native, Andria received her B.A. in Communication Arts from Warner Pacific College (now University), followed by a post-baccalaureate degree in Philosophy from the University of Oregon. She accepted her call to All Saints after spending a decade in the Chicago area, where she received her M.Div. from the University of Chicago Divinity School, with training in Anglican Studies from Seabury Western, and served two congregations thereafter. She’s grateful to be closer to family, the Portland Timbers, and some of the best vegan food on the planet.
To connect with Rev. Andria, email her at [email protected].
The Rev. Dr. Constance Hammond
A fourth generation Oregonian, Constance and her family were members of All Saints during her grade school into high school years. Graduating from the University of Oregon, she worked in education in the Seattle area, Rome, Italy and the Boston and Cambridge School systems before becoming an Episcopal priest. Constance was ordained as a Deacon in 1986 and as an Episcopal Priest in 1987. In the Diocese of Massachusetts she Co-Headed the Sanctuary Movement for New England, was Co-Head of Pastoral Care for University Hospital, Assistant at Grace Church, Newton Corner, Assistant at Old North Church and founder and head of the Refugee Immigration Ministry. She returned to Oregon in 1990 to be Rector of St. Stephen’s in Portland. She has been Interim Rector at both St. Paul’s, Walla Walla and St. Andrew’s, Aberdeen, Assistant at St. Paul’s, Oregon City and presently at All Saints. While at St. Stephen’s she founded the Environmental Committee for the diocese, served on the first board of Earth and Spirit Council, founded the Community of Welcoming Congregations and was President of the Downtown Ministers Association. Presently she is on the diocesan Task Force for Palestinian Human Rights. Constance is a Healing Touch Instructor and Practitioner (energy work begun and certified by nurses), heads a Healing Touch Clinic for the homeless and low income in downtown Portland and is the author of T.C., a children’s Guess Who series and Shalom, Salaam, Peace, A Liberation Theology of Hope.
The Rev. Deborah Hughes-Habel
When I came to the Episcopal Church in mid-life, I knew that I found a new spiritual home. That realization came while attending, for the first time, the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Mark in Salt Lake City, Utah one spring morning in 1990. Since that time, by the grace of God and through the direction of many faithful Episcopaleans and clergy, I discerned a call to ordained ministry. I was humbled by their confidence in my spiritual gifts and their continued encouragement as I remained steadfast through a difficult eight year process of discernment and seminary study. I graduated from the Seminary of the Southwest, An Episcopal Seminary in Austin, TX on May 11, 2010. On May 21, 2011, I was ordained an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of Utah. The Diocese of Utah is a small diocese of twenty-eight parishes. While small it is a mighty example of God’s Kingdom working to lead seekers to a spiritual faith tradition that is tolerant of everyone regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. After my ordination, I began my journey as a bi-vocational priest. As a bi-vocational priest, I used my gifts as a chaplain, critical care nurse, nurse care manager, retreat coordinator and Associate priest in parish ministry. While in Utah, I served at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church and All Saints Episcopal Church. Upon retiring from nursing, my husband, Bill, and I moved to Portland, OR in July 2016 to be closer to famiiy and to experience all that the Northwestern United States had to offer. Bill and I, between us, have 6 children, 14 grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren. We live in a modest condominium in southeast Portland and we are grateful, after 26 years living in a high desert state like Utah, for all the rain and green that surrounds us. Prior to coming to All Saints, I served at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church at the pleasure of there then priest-in-charge, the Rev. Josh Kingsley. With the closure of St. Matthew’s, Bill and I found our way to All Saints in August 2017. Since that time, I have had the pleasure to serve this lovely faith filled community as your assisting priest, under the Rev. Laura Truby, and as your supply priest. You have welcomed my husband and I with open arms which communicates to us that we have definately found our spiritual home. Thanks be to God!
The Rev. Dc. Linda Goertz
The Reverend Deacon Linda Goertz was ordained as an Episcopal Deacon in 2015 and was previously Deacon at St. David of Wales in southeast Portland; served as Pastoral Care Minister at St. John the Evangelist in Milwaukie; and was the Deacon at Christ Church Episcopal in Lake Oswego. Linda has a background in pastoral care and spiritual companionship.
In her secular life Linda did clerical and administrative work in healthcare-related not-for-profit agencies, and also acted in local amateur theatre, including Shakespeare in the Parks. Current interests include birdwatching, gardening, reading, and spending time with her husband LeRoy, who is a sculptor. Linda is delighted to be donning the deacon’s stole again for the All Saints community.
The Rev. Dc. Maureen Hagen
Greetings, All Saints' Community!
I am delighted to return to my home church, even on a part-time basis. In September 1997 my husband Rob Greene and I walked through your doors and life has not been the same. When I learned that the Baptismal Covenant was the foundation of our lived-out theology, I committed myself to living as fully as possible to those promises.
I was raised in upstate New York, served in Peace Corps (Morocco), studied at the Sorbonne, did doctoral studies in International Relations/Middle East at Columbia (ABD) where I met Rob, married, taught in Virginia and North Carolina, and moved to Oregon in 1992. All that was so long ago.
All Saints raised me up and I became a deacon in 2004. I've served at five churches (currently at St. Stephen's downtown). For more than a decade I was dean of the Academy for Formation and Mission, but now I am the Resource Developer for Baptized for Life at Virginia Theological Seminary. Locally, I am co-chair of Operation Night watch. Church-wide, I am on the National Executive Council for Episcopal Peace Fellowship and Project Manager for the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop.
Rob and I have been married for almost 37 years. Rob is the Tribal Attorney at the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. Until Covid our greatest joy was traveling. Since July 4, 2021, that joy is now being puppy parents to Jean-Luc and Phoebe (Frenchtons).
I am excited to reconnect with old friends and to get to know many new ones. I would love to meet people at Papaccino's or via Zoom and hear your stories.
Yours in Christ,
Larry Chalew-Fuller
Larry joined All Saints as a member in 2004. During that time, he has taught Sunday School, volunteered on the Altar Guild and then served as the Director of the Altar Guild. He has served on Vestry and was Senior Warden. Currently, Larry volunteers as a teller and as Verger. The duties of the Verger are to escort the procession, train and schedule the Lay Ministers and allow the Rector, Priests and Deacons to focus on leading us in Worship. Larry originally trained as a Verger in the Diocese of Los Angeles and served at multiple Parishes. Larry is a member of the Verger’s Guild of the Episcopal Church. He is a skilled photographer and tailor and assists in sewing vestments for the church. Larry holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, a Master of Business Administration with a focus in Marketing and is currently writing his dissertation in Medication Management for his Doctor of Healthcare Administration.
Paige Lehmann
Janet Cotton
Tami Perkins
Hi, I am Tami. I have been the All Saints Nursery Care Provider for 12+ Years. It has been a joy watching the children grow over these years. I have been a preschool school teacher for 25 years and I believe in the power of play.
I like to go to the beach and hike when I am not caring for children. I don’t have pets anymore and I do love chocolate.
Noah Kilian
Noah is a cradle Episcopalian, and has been a member of All Saints’ since 2002 when his family moved to SE Portland. At the time Noah was 12 years old, and finding a congregation with a loving and accepting Youth Group was a chief concern to him and his family. Since then, Noah has grown up and come of age at All Saints’ and was an active member of the Youth Group during his teenage years.
Noah graduated with highest honors from Portland Community College in 2011, and went on to graduate magna cum laude from Portland State University in 2014 with a BA in English. In addition to the myriad ministries that Noah performs at All Saints’, he also works at Portland Metro Art doing customer service, nonprofit marketing, and teaching theatre and music classes to kids.
Jerry Meter
Jerry Meter has been the Keyboardist since 2009 and substitutes at the organ for Dr. Denman when he is away. He was the interim organist at All Saints during late spring and summer of 2010. Jerry has been an active member of All Saints since 2005 and has sung Tenor with the Chancel Choir since that time. He is a Worship Leader, Licensed Eucharistic Minister, serves on the Vestry and is the Treasurer of All Saints. Jerry has been working on and maintaining the All Saints Website since its re-creation in the spring of 2013 in the official capacity of Webmaster.
Dr. James Denman
James Denman has served as Organist and Director of Music at All Saints Parish since 2011. He holds Bachelor and Master of Music degrees from San Francisco State University, and the Doctorate of Musical Arts degree from the University of Washington, where he studied music theory/composition and performance. He was the recipient of the Brechemin Foundation Scholarship, the American Guild of Organists Scholarship, and the Boeing Scholarship for Academic Excellence. He studied organ with Alexander C. Post, Carole Terry, Marie-Claire Alain, and Naji Hakim.
Prior to joining All Saints’ staff, he served in similar positions at Epiphany Parish of Seattle, St. John’s Episcopal Church (Milwaukie) and Christ Church (Lake Oswego). He has held academic positions in teaching, conducting, and accompanying at Seattle Pacific University, Willamette University, and Linfield College.
Dr. Denman is also on staff at Oregon Catholic Press (OCP), where he serves as Recordings Producer and Coordinator. He is published by The Church Hymnal Corporation and Oregon Catholic Press.
Leslie Rangel
Giacomo Adragna
The governing body of All Saints is the Vestry, with the Rector as the Presiding Officer. The Rector is also the Spiritual Leader of All Saints. The purpose of the Vestry is to define and articulate the Mission of the Congregation, to support the Church’s Mission by word and deed, to select the Rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances. The Vestry discerns and sets Parish Goals, works with committees on realizing Parish Goals and makes decisions around money and property.
Tim Anderson
Amanda Buckle
Steve Dieterich
Janet Gallagher
Nancy Janecek
Candace McLean
Jerry Meter
Sonja Miller
Lana Millington
Bryan Poole
The Very Rev. Andria Skornik
The Rev. Andria Skornik is currently the Rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in the Woodstock neighborhood of Portland, where she, with her husband and three year-old son, also lives. A Portland native, Andria received her B.A. in Communication Arts from Warner Pacific College (now University), followed by a post-baccalaureate degree in Philosophy from the University of Oregon. She accepted her call to All Saints after spending a decade in the Chicago area, where she received her M.Div. from the University of Chicago Divinity School, with training in Anglican Studies from Seabury Western, and served two congregations thereafter. She’s grateful to be closer to family, the Portland Timbers, and some of the best vegan food on the planet.
To connect with Rev. Andria, email her at [email protected].
Maryruth Storer
Lindsay Strannigan
Michelle Waite