Music Ministry

The Chancel Choir is directed by our organist, Dr. James L. Denman. Our Music Program also includes opportunities to praise our Lord through the music of guitar, trumpet, violin, etc.! Let Jim know if you can serve the Lord in this manner. Jim can be contacted through the Church Office at (503) 777-3829 or email [email protected]
Our beautiful George Jardine Tracker Pipe Organ leads the Choir and Congregation for a joyous music experience at the 10:15 A.M. Sunday Morning Service.
Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is directed by our organist, Dr. James L. Denman.
New voices in All Saints' Chancel Choir are always welcome. We gather twice weekly to share time and talent, combining each other's efforts in a Parish Ensemble that makes weekly contributions to All Saints' Worship Life, leading music at the 10:15 A.M. Service by supporting congregational singing and offering c…
Read More »George Jardine Tracker Pipe Organ
George Jardine & Son, 1892
Rebuilt 1985, Richard Bon
Originally built for First Methodist Church, Tivoli, NY.
St. Paul's Church
Tivoli, New York
7 April, 1984
My Dear Brother:
Your new pipe organ left Tivoli yesterday late afternoon, and I want to congratulate you for acquiring it. Perhaps you will be interested in knowing its background.
During much of the Nineteent…
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